Tag Archives: youtube

Jonathan Pie Thinks Freedom of Speech is not a Joke

On April 23, 2018, Scottish comedian Mark Meechan (@CountDankulaTV) was found guilty of a hate crime and fined £800.00 after having trained his girlfriend’s pug „Buddha‟ to give the Nazi salute.

In a brief YouTube video, British comedian Tom Walker a. k. a. ‘Jonathan Pie’ (@JonathanPieNews) discusses the judgment and explains why freedom of speech is not a joke.

Meet the Flat Earth Asshole

The Flat Earth Asshole, run by Jake Gibson, is one of the most funny, entertaining and authentic YouTube channels ever.  Jake just received a fake, unjustified copyright strike from American talk radio host John B. Wells, so I thought I’d put his channel up.

Jake is a YouTuber from Modesto, California, and holds a BA in Psychology, just in case you wonder.

Make sure to check his channel out.  You don’t need to subscribe to all his opinions to enjoy it.

Image courtesy of Jake Gibson •

How to display YouTube Notifications instead of Google+ Notifications (and vice versa)

Since around October 2016, YouTube seems to display the notifications to some users in a different form.  The notification layout I am talking about looks like this:

The new notifications layout on YouTube, hitherto referred to as 'YouTube Notifications'
The new notifications layout on YouTube, referred to as ‘YouTube notifications layout’ or ‘new notifications layout’

Some people do not like to use this new layout on YouTube and they Continue reading How to display YouTube Notifications instead of Google+ Notifications (and vice versa)

35 Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster

„Photos taken one second before disaster:  These sometimes funny other times horrible unbelievable pictures capture crashes moments before disaster.”

Picture 26 (at 2:03 mins), depicting a leopard seal preparing itself to chow down some penguin sushi, is pretty gruesome.  ◻︎