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Why Bitcoin is Better Than Other Cryptocurrencies

Jimmy Song

If you’re new to the Bitcoin space, the last few months have been pretty crazy. There have been some steep climbs and heart-stopping drops making for a roller coaster of emotion that’s not easily controlled. The price action is both thrilling and at times, painful, so it’s easy to lose sight of what you’re investing in. All the coins seem to be running together, so what’s the difference? How is one coin to be distinguished from another? And more importantly, how is an investor to know what the long-term value of a coin will be?

In this article, I’m going to make the case for what makes Bitcoin different, how Bitcoin is a system that, despite all the cloning, has yet to be truly replicated.

Real Innovation

To really understand the value proposition of Bitcoin, it helps to look at a bit of history. It’s tempting to think that the newest ICO or altcoin is the one that will finally “improve” Bitcoin and fix all of its problems and that Bitcoin will be relegated to the dustbin of history due to its lack of some “feature”. Indeed, nearly every altcoin, ICO or hard fork thinks that they’re being innovative in some fundamental way. What’s missed is that the biggest innovation has already happened.

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Jonathan Pie Thinks Freedom of Speech is not a Joke

On April 23, 2018, Scottish comedian Mark Meechan (@CountDankulaTV) was found guilty of a hate crime and fined £800.00 after having trained his girlfriend’s pug „Buddha‟ to give the Nazi salute.

In a brief YouTube video, British comedian Tom Walker a. k. a. ‘Jonathan Pie’ (@JonathanPieNews) discusses the judgment and explains why freedom of speech is not a joke.

Best Day in American History Ever

Another disappointed Trump supporter leaves the Zionist plantation.  Watch the video that went viral:

Donald Trump’s prime donor, Sheldon Adelson, suggested in 2013 to drop a nuclear bomb on an Iranian desert.

Donald Trump’s new National Security Advisor, warmonger John Bolton, promised in a speech given before supporters of the Marxist MEK that they will be able to celebrate in Teheran “before 2019.” 

Donald Trump’s first choice as National Security Advisor, H. R. McMaster, had to be ousted after he was attacked by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) where Miriam Adelson, Sheldon Adelson’s wife, is listed as the single largest donor.   And why?

H.R. McMaster, former U.S. National Security Adviser, ousted on April 9, 2018 for being "anti-Israel." Image courtesy of AP/Evan Vucci.
H.R. McMaster, the former U.S. National Security Adviser, ousted on April 9, 2018, for being “anti-Israel.” Image courtesy of AP/Evan Vucci.

Because H. R. McMaster used the term “Palestinian self-determination” and spoke of Israel as “the occupying power.”  And because “the anti-Israel voices in the Trump administration need to go. Now.”  Etc.

Richard W. Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer under President George W. Bush, tweeted on March 16 about John Bolton:

Prepare for the worst.   He who pays the piper calls the tunes.  Old story.

Elijah Muhammad: Message to the Blackman in America

N. N.

Book Summary of

Elijah Muhammad:
Message to the Blackman in America

The following is a brief summary that outlines some of the main points made by Elijah Muhammad in his 300-page book called Message to the Blackman in America. It was first printed in 1965 and then again in 1992 by United Brothers Communications Systems of Newport News, Virginia.

Elijah Muhammad makes many outlandish proclamations in his book, but it is important to keep in mind that the proclamations are mixed in with claims about discrimination that are true to varying degrees and that even when true to some degree, readers’ opinions would differ about the significance of such claims.

In his book, he says that he is a divine messenger who is warning blacks that they had better pledge to Nation of Islam’s version of Islam before Allah eliminates whites and non-believers in racial Armageddon. To understand the reasoning behind the belief in the eventual annihilation of whites, it is necessary to explore Elijah Muhammad’s interpretations of creation, of history, and of events from the 1960’s.

He says in his book that Allah created originally the blacks, next to the brown, red, and yellow races, and lastly the whites. A renegade black scientist named Yakub created the white race 6,000 years ago, and ever since then, the whites have ruled the other colors.

There are hints in the text that blacks are considered supreme over whites. After explaining that Yakub extracted the “brown germ” from the “black germ” and in turn grafted whites from the “brown germ,” the author says Yakub discovered that the “white . . . was the weaker of the black germ.” In discussing “Black Supremacy” versus “White Supremacy” the author says that “some must rule over the other. It is the law of nature.”

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When Terror Struck Norway…

Ole Dammegård, journalist, investigator and author, explains in this must-see video presentation why he believes that the 2011 Norway terror attacks ascribed to Anders Behring Breivik were a false flag operation by Western intelligence agencies with full cooperation of Norway’s Social-Democratic prime minister Jens Stoltenberg.

69 children participating at the Social-Democratic Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the island of Utøya were murdered in
one of the worst terror attacks in Europe’s history.

If Ole Dammegård is right, then this is a smoking gun.

Image courtesy of AP, The Guardian •